We are delighted that you are considering RAO BHARAT SINGH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL for your child. The school aim has been to get them to fulfill their potential as interesting and interested young men who will leave positive legacy to their school and make their positive mark in the world.
"Our school is housed in a superb building, offering world class learning facilities for children and teachers. Classroom are spacious, with modern furniture and stateof-the art ICT equipment. Our site is very safe, and overall it represents the very best that money can buy in terms of modern, well-planned and well-resourced school.
The School aspires to give students a bright start to their career by imparting them latest knowledge and providing them a campus where learning is a joyous journey.
All children should be treated as equal irrespective of their caste, color, creed, religious or sex. You should educates the child so that they may feel proud and confident of themselves. They Should not consider themselves inferior to the children of any other school. I am committed to the cause of education. Education for ALL-whether they can afford it or not.